March 10, 2008

Business Quiz 8

1. Which is the oldest foreign bank in India?

2. PC (personal Computer) was originally a trade name of?

3. Which British Corporation was criticized by Churchill in 1940 as the “Enemy within the gates doing more harm than good”

4. Which German company’s name means “blue dot” in German language?

5. Which TV channel is the world’s largest producer and buyer of documentary programmes?

6. Which brand name means “red” in Japanese?

7. What does “R” in Maruti Suzuki’s small car Wagon R stand for?

8. As per Guinness Book of Records 2001 edition, which CEO was the lowest paid in the world, taking an annual salary of $1?

9. “Solutions for a small Planet” is a registered trademark of which company?

10. Which famous auto company was founded by William Durant?

The answers will be published in the next edition of business quiz
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