Dell India to introduce low cost notebooks
Dell India is planning to introduce a new range of affordable notebooks by next month. It is estimated that the company has achieved 50% growth in revenue despite holding the fifth position in the Indian PC market. This new range of notebooks would be launched in mid April and the company is planning a tie up with some big retailers in India to sell its range of products.”We are developing new models of notebooks catering to specific needs of Indian customers” Dell India Vice-President and General Manager Rajan Anandan said today. Unlike other players like HCL, HP and Acer Dell still continues to sell its products directly to customers at affordable cost. The customers can place an order for a new laptop through the Internet or over the phone. The company is also planning to raise the capacity of its manufacturing plant in Chennai. The company is also said to have registered an impressive 80% growth in unit sales while the laptops segment grew by over 115%.We can very soon expect Dell to be a major player in the Indian PC market. As of now the top players in the Indian PC market are 1. Hewlett-Packard
2. HCL 3. Lenovo
4. Acer
5. Dell
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