1.Which Indian hotel won Asia's first Aga khan Award for Architecture?
2.Which famous ice cream brand is owned by the Allied-Domecq group of companies?
3.Stancare is the pharmaceutical marketing division of which company?
4.Which Oscar winning director formed Digital Domain,a visual effects and digital production studio?
5.In 1989,who developed the first portable,hand-held game system with interchangeable game packs?
6.Which japanese business group made the lead-acid battery that are used in General Motor's electric car,the EV-1?
7.In 1956,which US insurance company became the first to offer Check-O-Matic premium payment facility to its customers?
8.During the first three years of World War 1,which famous investment banker and financier acted as the sole purchasing agent in the US for the British and French governments?
9.Which famous hotel chain did the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation acquire in 1968?
10.Which fashion designer's first shop in New York was named People's place?
The answers will be published in the next edition of business quiz...Send in your responses to sekhar232007@gmail.com